Necrotic Ring Spot Special Watering

Tuesday, 23, September , 2014 by
weed control lawn care

SPECIAL WATERING AND CARE INSTRUCTIONS TO HELP IN THE CONTROL OF NECROTIC RING SPOT (NRS) If your lawn has Necrotic Ring Spot problems, changing the way you water your lawn has been helpful in aiding to control the disease. Watering daily for shorter periods is necessary to help control Necrotic Ring Spot (N.R.S.) Ring to

weed control lawn care

Good cultural watering and mowing practices are critical to keeping your lawn healthy and stress-free. A healthy lawn not only looks nice, it also acts as a natural air purifier by removing carbon dioxide from the air. A healthy lawn can even provide a cooling barrier around the house — check out the remarkable difference

Preventive Billbug Grub Control

Thursday, 17, April , 2014 by
weed control lawn care

Billbug grubs are definitely bad news for your lawn — but the good news is that a Preventive Grub Control treatment can greatly minimize lawn damage caused by Billbugs. If you’ve had grub problems in the past, chances are your lawn will be invaded again this summer. Green Pointe Lawn Care’s Preventive Grub Control can

weed control lawn care

Crabgrass is one of the most common weed problems found in Utah lawns. If this unsightly annual weed has been the bane of your lawn’s existence in the past, early spring is the time to take action. A pre-emergent treatment sets the stage for successful weed control all season long. At Green Pointe Lawn Care,

Grub Control For Lawns

Sunday, 28, July , 2013 by
weed control lawn care

Random dead spots on your lawn can come from a variety of different sources, but one of the most common is grubs. These tiny invaders feed on the roots of your lawn and lead to dead, brown patches. Let us help you treat grubs and get your lawn healthy and green. Read on for more