Sod Webworm

by / Saturday, 13 April 2013 / Published in Insect Problems

lawn bugs

Do you have gradually expanding brown patches in your lawn? You may be having an issue with sod webworms. These little pests chew your grass from the base and can eventually kill the entire lawn. Read below for more information or call us now for a quote at (801) 261-1171!

About Sod Webworms:
Gray, brown, or greenish in appearance, these thin, 3/4-inch-long caterpillars are the larvae of the grayish-white, night-flying lawn moth. Sod webworms get their name from the silken tunnels they create as they chew their way through lawn thatch.

Lawn Damage:
Sod webworms chew off grass blades at the base, causing gradually expanding brown patches in lawns. Sod webworm damage initially appears as a general thinning to a small area, followed by the presence of larger brown patches, and can eventually kill the entire lawn.

Plants Affected:
Sod webworms target all lawn grasses. Turf grass is their ideal food source.

Cycles and Monitoring:
Lawn moths fly at night and on cloudy days in the late spring and early summer, often dropping eggs among grass blades as they go. The resulting larvae hibernate in the soil.

Look for the moths flying over the lawn in their typical zigzag pattern just after the sun goes down. Another sign that you might have sod webworms is a large number of birds on the lawn. They’re probably feeding on the larvae.

To verify the presence of sod webworms, spread a mixture of one tablespoon of dishwashing soap and one gallon of water on a small section of turf. If there are webworms, the soapy water will bring them to the surface in about ten minutes.

The Green Pointe staff is always ready to assist you with your lawn. Please contact us if we may provide any information to enhance your lawn’s health or appearance.

Please call our office at (801) 261-1171 if you have any questions or visit our “Questions” page to review other frequently asked questions and answers.