Relax and enjoy your summer. Let us take care of lawn fertilizing and weed control schedule for you!
Instead of spending your time at the hardware store buying fertilizer, weed control products, grub control products, buying spreaders, sprayers and trying to figure out how to read the directions, correctly measure, apply and then store all the products and equipment, call Green Pointe Lawn Care.
With Green Pointe’s annual treatment program, we take care of the schedule and apply the weed and fertilizer applications for you. It is done on time, and adjusted to the seasonal needs of your lawn. Plus, we inspect your lawn each time we treat and provide helpful tips such as mowing or watering to help you keep your lawn looking its best. If you have questions or problems in between treatments, we are just a phone call away. With our annual treatment program, we provide unlimited free service calls to answer questions or to address problems or concerns.
Green Pointe Lawn Care’s annual lawn treatment program is a way to let the local lawn professionals cater to your lawn’s exact needs. We are a local Utah company and are familiar with local conditions. All Green Point lawn technicians are full time, year-round employees and are licensed and certified by the Utah Department of Agriculture. We don’t use seasonal employees. Our technicians are trained professionals. You can count on, on time, professional treatments from a local company. Our program consists of six treatments, applied every five to seven weeks. Because it is a continuous program, we maintain the lawn on a consistent basis, no more hungry lawns or weed infestations.
We apply fertilizer and inspect for weeds and apply weed control treatment with every visit. Different weeds occur at different times of the year and we apply the correct fertilizer and weed control products, in the correct amounts to produce excellent results. In addition, we will inspect your lawn for any signs or indication of Billbug Grubs. Billbug grubs devour and destroy your lawn’s root system. If you have had Billbugs in the past, you know the serious damage they can cause. You should consider having us apply a Preventive Billbug Control treatment to reduce and minimize the damage caused by Billbug Grubs. This service is very effective in controlling the Billbug grubs. However, if some break through occurs, and grubs develop, we will apply a follow-up active control treatment as part of this service, free of charge. Preventive Grub Control is applied with your late spring lawn treatment, in advance of Billbug larvae infestations.
Green Pointe’s annual lawn treatment program makes caring for your lawn easy, and signing up is a breeze. All it takes is quick call to our office to schedule your Annual Program or a visit to our website to request a service or a service estimate. In addition, we provide an extra discount when you prepay for your annual program. One discounted payment, one time, and you get season long results.
Green Pointe is a local Utah company and we will help you keep your lawn healthy and green all season long. We are a “Local Utah Company”