Early Spring Pre-Emergent Weed Control
Crabgrass is one of the most common weed problems found in Utah lawns. If this unsightly annual weed has been the bane of your lawn’s existence in the past, early spring is the time to take action. A pre-emergent treatment sets the stage for successful weed control all season long. At Green Pointe Lawn Care, we apply early spring pre-emergence weed control to every lawn we treat as part of our annual service program.
Early Spring Pre-emergent Treatment
Early spring pre-emergent control helps prevent crabgrass seedlings from germinating, which is essential to controlling crabgrass later in the season. The pre-emergent treatment is applied with your first lawn fertilization, usually in March or April. Crabgrass seedlings typically germinate when soil temperatures hit around 50-60 degrees. In our neck of the woods you’ll start to see those sustained temperatures around early to mid June. Crabgrass usually emerges in July or August, depending on the weather, and once it does it’s a full-time job to keep it under control. That’s why a pre-emergent treatment is so critical. If crabgrass has been a problem in the past, it may take a couple of annual pre-emergent treatments to control it – but it can be done.
About Crabgrass
Crabgrass becomes an established weed — and thrives — by tolerating its turf condition, which is why it’s important to head it off before it takes root. Because this annual weed is such a prolific seed producer, pre-emergent herbicides need to hit the soil before germination. The most problematic crabgrass occurs when seedlings develop in late spring/early summer. Around midsummer, crabgrass matures into a light green, coarse-textured grass. It produces thousands of seeds, which are deposited in the soil as the plant ends its life cycle with the first frost. Although crabgrass dies off every winter, seeds can remain viable in soil for several years, and requires annual pre-emergent treatments in order to prevent germination.
Best Cultural Practices for Control
Fertilization will help thicken your lawn, which helps resist crabgrass invasion. Our annual treatment program includes early spring fertilization and pre-emergence weed control, which is essential to controlling crabgrass throughout the season. Mowing high is also helpful, as long as you catch the clippings in your lawnmower’s bag and don’t mulch them into the ground, which can further spread the crabgrass seeds.
So if you’re dreaming of a lawn soft enough to walk on barefoot — without stepping on pokey crabgrass — the best way to prevent crabgrass is with an early spring pre-emergent treatment. Green Pointe Lawn Care can get your lawn off to a good start.
Sign up now for our annual lawn care treatment program. New customers receive a $25 discount on an annual treatment program. Visit /free-quote/ or call us at (801) 261-1171 to schedule your service.